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Learn more about AbilityMatrix

Innovators Helping Innovators

There are two ways you can accelerate humanity. You either help people grow wiser or you help people who innovate.
Innovators are key to uncovering new energy sources, making services accessible or expanding the lifespan. Ultimately, innovators will help us survive. They will help us outsmart our own extinction. It doesn’t matter if it is a small convenience or a huge leap for the human race. Every step, every drop matters.

We are here to help these innovators by supporting their efforts and at the same time helping them to become better innovators. Supporting their personal journey of whys and hows and their professional growth. Innovation is a lifestyle, a love that doesn’t fade. We grow tired sometimes, the vision gets blurred but we never give up. The passion never dies. The calling to create something bigger than yourself.

We’ve been there, done that. You can lean on us because we made all the mistakes that you shouldn’t while bringing our innovations to the market. We help you get closer to success.


We support the innovation community by offering free mentoring sessions to both startups and seasoned corporate innovators. Conducting over 100 sessions each year, we’ve developed extensive knowledge in the innovation space. Leverage our insights to accelerate your innovation.


With international offices and a multicultural team representing nations around the world, we’re a truly global company that brings you the best in innovation thinking from around the world.


We have successfully helped over 50 teams in enterprise and startup environments alike, using applied behavioral science and proprietary models.

Remote First

We at AbilityMatrix pride ourselves on our longstanding remote-first work environment and culture. Just like the digital industries we serve, we are not limited by physical proximity, enabling us to assemble the best talent from around the world.

We have many years of experience in conducting remote workshops, with specialized processes, documentation, and the ability to work in multiple time zones with asynchronous communication. As many companies look to transition to a remote-first model, we are happy to share our knowledge and expertise as long-time veterans of the remote-first, internationally distributed workforce model.

Diversity and Multicultural Team

Diversity and a global mindset are an integral part of our DNA. Our different cultures influence the way we perceive the world. The diverse, global perspectives and experiences of our international team inspire creativity.

We cherish diversity of thought and believe that it drives innovation. While we might be from different countries - China, Hungary, Mauritius, or Turkey to name a few - we are all citizens of the world.

Our Team

Akos Tolnai

Doing the right thing instead doing things right. That's my mantra.

Laszlo Kiszely

Erst wägen, dann wagen! First ponder, then dare! Mérlegelni, aztán merni!

Anna Holpert

“If life were predictable it would cease to be life, and be without flavor.”

Emőke Gál

Aspire to inspire before you expire.

Gergo Roja

"Just win, baby" (by Al Davis)

Htet Thawdar Win

Focus on the step in front of you, not the whole staircase.

Kate Esther Udvardi

Hard work always pays off!

Marietta Németh-Buczó

"Work hard in silence, let the success be your noise"

Nur Hidayati Miza Binti Junaidi

If it doesn't challenge you, it won't change you for the better.


AbilityMatrix turned out to be a great help with improving the customer journey and lead generation practices.
Product Manager
We had a lot of memorable moments. We speak the same language. You have an immediate understanding. You help me see my problems through a different lens, a different perspective. It helps me in understanding the situation better. And you help me find solutions to these problems.
We received the information in an informative and easy-to-understand way. You were able to adapt to the rapid change when the focus changed.
AbilityMatrix provided a new perspective in harmonizing customer needs and corporate abilities. During our cooperation I managed to gain a general overview about the matrix and as I see, this method can get us closer to design successful products.
T-Systems Hungary
Business Development and Innovation Manager