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June 14, 2024

Introducing AbilityMatrix: Kate Esther Udvardi, Junior Business Development Intern

About me

Hard work always pays off. This is a mantra I learned from Katinka Hosszú when I was part of her swim team and a mantra I have found to be true ever since and something I try to live by. Currently, I am studying Business Administration (German track) in Vienna at the Vienna University of Economics and Business (Wirtschaftsuniversitaet Wien, WU) with specialisations in Entrepreneurship & Innovation, and International Business. Before moving to Vienna, I completed the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme in Budapest (score: 42), and also obtained swimming coach certification as well as sailing licence. I am a generally very curious person, open to a wide range of projects, and am always very invested in them.

Working at AbilityMatrix

I have always been drawn in by the world of entrepreneurship and innovation. I not only study it at university, but have had the chance to work with start-ups since my early secondary school years. I love that at AbilityMatrix I can work on a wide range of projects in different fields, and while delivering the necessary output is key, I enjoy having the freedom to experiment with new tools and learn from my colleagues. 

The fact that we work online, does not mean that we are isolated from each other. I really feel the team spirit which motivates everyone on the team and enjoy that the senior team member push us to be creative and share our own ideas. I am really glad I am part of the team and am looking forward to the rest of our journey together!